Chattanooga Engineers Club's first virtual meeting:
Feasibility Study of Concussion Rehabilitation using Virtual Reality (VR)
Katy Waddell and Will Tippett, seniors at Baylor School, with their Baylor Research project.
Concussion, the most common mild-traumatic brain injury, is a difficult injury to conduct specific rehabilitation for due to its numerous list of symptoms that encompass issues related to the body’s neurological communications, vestibular system, and oculo-motor system. Virtual reality (VR) has become a potential tool for healthcare-related applications due to its tunable environment and immersive capabilities. The work presented here demonstrates a VR prototype of exercises experiences for improving gaze stabilization and balance, designed for the VR setting; the environment created in VR allows for control over the movement of objects, the speed of the moving objects, the level of vibrancy of the colors used to create the environment, and the level of audio used for each exercise. Physical counterpart exercises as well as a detailed testing protocol were also designed for future studies to differentiate between the presence of symptoms in a control population as a result of the virtual reality and physical versions of the exercises in order to establish the program's feasibility for a study on a concussed population.
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Eligibility for PDH credits has yet to be determined.