Chattanooga Engineers Club Monthly Meeting
Joint Meeting with ASQ and IEEE Chattanooga
Monday, May 24
12:00 noon to 1:00 pm
“Chickamauga Dam: Bigger Every Day”
TVA’s Concrete Growth and Solutions at Chickamauga
Daniel T. Moore, P.E., TVA Dam Safety
The Tennessee Valley Authority owns the Chickamauga Dam and Lock, just upstream of downtown Chattanooga.
Construction of the dam, which began in 1936, was completed in 1940. By 1943, the Lock began to exhibit unusual surface cracking on the concrete. Twenty years later, similar cracking issues were discovered at the Chickamauga Powerhouse, and an investigation determined the cracking was caused by a chemical reaction known as Alkali-Aggregate Reaction (AAR), which causes the concrete to continuously expand.
This presentation will discuss some of the numerous issues caused by the concrete growth over the years, as well as the monitoring and remediation efforts that TVA uses to ensure the dam and lock remain safe and continue to operate reliably. Particular emphasis will be placed on the 2020 Chickamauga Dam Slot Cut Project, which involved cutting a 15mm wide relief slot thorough the cross section of the dam to provide relief for the growing concrete.
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Follow up email will contain access information.
This event should qualify for 1 PDH.