Chattanooga Engineers Club
Monday, November 14, 2022
12 noon
Novel Parallel Computing Decoupling Methods For Power System Distribution Networks
Dr. Norman Saied, Project Technical Director
Description to be given on three strategies for decoupling distribution power networks among parallel processing cores in a real-time (RT) multi-core environment. The proposed techniques help remove computational limitations and speedup real-time simulation of networks. Prior to this work, the solutions employed include approaches such as decoupling with Stublines or delay-free State Space Nodal (SSN) solvers. Further, these approaches are limited to high-end proprietary hardware and software. The main issues addressed are reducing computational complexity, storage complexity, and employing general-purpose computers to allow simulation of large power networks using RT-systems.
This is an online event. Access information will be provided upon registration.
This event will qualify for 1 PDH. Requested PDH's are included with active memberships; $10 for non-members, which can be applied to a membership.